Component<TextSplitproduct="terraform"content='Terraform Cloud is the fastest way to adopt Terraform, the world’s most widely used multi-cloud provisioning product. Offered as a service, Terraform Cloud provides everything practitioners, teams, and organizations need to create and collaborate on infrastructure and manage risks for security, compliance and operational constraints.'linkStyle='buttons'links={[{ text: 'primary action', url: '#' },{ text: 'secondary action', url: '#' },{ text: 'tertiary', url: '#' }]}>bar</TextSplit>
Name | Description |
heading string | headline above the text content |
content function | string | Content to be shown under the heading . Accepts either a string or React content. If a string is passed, it will be rendered into paragraph tags. Each newline in the string will create a new paragraph. |
theme string | |
product string | Styles the button with a color based on a HashiCorp product |
checkboxes array | A set of checked-off checkbox images typically used as a bulleted list to describe a set of features Array members must be of the type below: |
checkboxes[x] string | text displayed to the right of the check |
links array | call-to-action links to be displayed below the text Array members must be of the type below: |
links[x] object | Object contains nested props, see below: |
links[x].text string | link text |
links[x].url string | link URL |
links[x].type string | |
linkStyle string | styling for the links, can be as links or buttons |
textSide string | |
children React.Element | Children are displayed opposite the text block and can be any arbitrary react code. If using a code example, image, or logo grid, we recommend using the pre-set components for that seen below. |
className string | Optional className to add to the root element |
<TextSplitcontent={<p style={{color: "var(--brand)"}}><strong>Hello</strong> world, this is some <em>custom</em> React content</p>}linkStyle='buttons'links={[{ text: 'primary action', url: '#' },{ text: 'secondary action', url: '#' },{ text: 'tertiary', url: '#' }]}>bar</TextSplit>
With checkboxes:
<TextSplitproduct="consul"content={<p><strong>Hello</strong> world, this is some <em>custom</em> React content. Time to check some things off...</p>}linkStyle='buttons'checkboxes={['One item', 'Second', 'And third']}>bar</TextSplit>
"Dark Theme"
<TextSplitcontent={<><h3>¿Qué tal?</h3><p><strong>Hello</strong> world, this is some <em>custom</em> React content</p></>}linkStyle="buttons"theme="dark"links={[{ text: 'primary action', url: '#' },{ text: 'secondary action', url: '#' },{ text: 'tertiary', url: '#' },]}>bar</TextSplit>
"Gray Theme"
<TextSplitcontent={<><h3>Por Ejemplo</h3><p><strong>Hello</strong> world, this is some <em>custom</em> React content</p></>}linkStyle="buttons"product="waypoint"theme="gray"links={[{ text: 'primary action', url: '#' },{ text: 'secondary action', url: '#' },{ text: 'tertiary', url: '#' },]}>bar</TextSplit>